Milo Van Ice Milo Review

Milo Van Ice milo front
milo van ice milo history
Milo van ice milo in a glass

So recently, in celebration of SG 50, Milo released a limited edition "Milo van recipe" of their ice Milo. Many would have wondered does it really taste like the Milo van ice Milo?

For me, it's NO it does not taste like the Milo van ice Milo. The ice Milo tastes no different from the normal powdered Milo. I think it lacks the addictive quality of the van Milo that keeps you wanting more despite the long queues. It could be the presence of the van and our young taste buds that leaves the impression that any Milo that comes out of a van is delicious.

Although the instruction requires 5 teaspoons to ensure you have a thick ice Milo that is similar to the van, but it still lacks the chocolaty malty punch that the van ice Milo has. Interestingly the Kopitiam's Milo has that punch, so it could be the condensed milk that brings out the Milo's great taste.

Verdict: B
Overall, this Milo is pretty average. If you want ice Milo this is definitely an option. It's amazing how the powder just dissolves leaving no powdery traces, which makes it a perfect soluble ice drink. However, it fails to live up to the van Milo experience despite it's premium price.

Sold at: All leading supermarkets
Price: $8.95 (Normal Price), $7.95 (Discounted Price)
Made In Singapore

P.s. sometimes I just wonder what do they put in the van ice Milo, maybe its not the presence of the Van that makes it great, but some secret ingredients that we do not know :x


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