Updates #2 I Feel Like I'm On A Roller Coaster Ride

Blog updates
There are still some changes with the topics the blog will cover. I've settled on fashion and self-development. I think I'm going to remove comfort food from the header, the food posts are not getting any attention. At the end of the day it is about covering what you all are interested in. 

Sometimes I feels like I hit a dead end with the topics. All the dead posts becomes so obvious, it feels like a sign that I should stop continuing. When I started writing, many sites were saying new blogs should focus on a niche because you can't compete with Buzzfeed or Thesmartlocal that covers any content that's under the sun. The fact that my blog is not focused on a niche is concerning whenever i see posts not attracting any views, i feel that the blog is not focused enough. 

Anyway, I can't stop now, since I've been writing for more than a year. I have to keep exploring new topics to cover. I think one of Casey Neistat answers in his video sums up the reason why I shouldn't quit, go to 9:14.

"I Know What Happens If I Keep Vlogging, But I Don't Know What Happens If I Stop Vlogging."

The quote pretty much applies to why I can't stop now. The blog became so embedded in my life that if I stop doing it, I don't know what else can I do during my free time.

Life Updates
I came up with this new segment on the fly. Hopefully every "Updates" post will be longer and more detailed and hopefully show you a part of my life. The blog needs some personality!

Anyway, Deepavali was around the corner and my friend's family celebrated Deepavali at their office at the industrial parks near yio chu kang. They invited their bangla workers and suppliers over for buffet, lucky draws and performances. It was a yearly affair. I must say, it is nice to know that the construction workers were treated so well!
Those are one of the photos we took during the celebration. We had more than a dozen. My friend's Polaroid films were expiring so we just helped her use up all of it. It was great spamming Polaroids without the thought of conserving the films!


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